What is Matter?
-Anything that has mass and occupies space
-Matter can exist in many different states, the most common are:
-Solids: holds one shape and has a definite volume (strong bonds)
-Liquids: can change shape, but has a definite volume (weak bonds)
-Gas: can change shape & volume (no bonds)
-Aqueous: something dissolved in water
-Plasma --> ionization
Changes in Matter
- Matter can undergo many changes
- Nearly all changes can be broken down into 3 categories:
- Physical Changes
- Chemical Changes
- Nuclear Changes
Physical Changes
- Involves changing shape or state of matter (crushing, tearing, etc.)
- No new substances are formed (Eg. Boiling water, cutting wood,
smashing cars)

Phase Changes
- Changing from a solid to a gas can often be confused as a chemical change
- Chemicals remain the same
Chemical Changes
- New substances are formed
- Properties of the matter change
- Conductivity, acidity, color, etc.
- Eg. Iron rusting, burning wood, digested food

Physical change of water into hydrogen peroxide
Conservation of Matter
- In Physical and Chemical Changes, matter is neither created nor destroyed.
This is the link of the video we watched of mythbusters: