-Bonds between molecules
-3 types
1. London Dispersion Force (L.D.F)
- Results from temporary electron dipoles (2 poles)
- Weakest intermolecular force
- Increases as # e- incrase
- occurs in any compound that has e- (ie: everything)

2. Dipole-Dipole Force (D.D.F)
- Results from a permanent dipole in molecules
- POLAR molecules experience this force
- Polarity depends on how much elements want e-. (electronegativity)
- Electronegativity increases right and up
- The strength of a dipole-dipole bond depends on the difference in electronegativity between the 2 atoms
F-N -> higher boiling point because more elecronegativity, strength 1.0, stronger bonds

3. Hydrogen Bonds (H-Bonds)
- This is a special type of dipole-dipole bond between H and O, F, or N
- Any molecule that has stronger bond with larger electronegativity difference
Identify the substances with H-Bonds:
1. CH4 -No
2. CH30H -Yes
3. H2S -No
4. CH3-NH2 -Yes (2)
5. HCl -No
6. Yes (3)

Example: Compare the boiling Points of:
4.Ethanol(C2H5OH), 26 e- (strongest) Actual = 78
2. Ethane (C2H6), 18 e- Actual = -89
3. Methanol (CH3OH), 18 e- Actual= 65
1. Methane (CH4), 10 e- (weakest) Actual = -161
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