- There are more carbon compound than all ionic compounds combine
- the study of carbon compounds is called organic chemistry
- carbon can have multiple bonds and form many different shapes
- Aliphatics
- alkanes
- alkenes
- alkynes
- Alycyclics
- Aromatics
Hydrocarbons have 3 types of formulas:

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons:
- one molecular formula can have a number of different structures
Isomers are compounds that can be drawn in more than 1 way

Naming Alkanes:(all single bonds)
- name the longest chain by using the correct suffix and add -ane
- locate any branches by numbering carbon atoms *use the lowest possible number system
- name branches by using appropriate suffix and -yl ending (alkyl branches)
- if there are more than one of the same alkyl group, number each one and add the multiplier number in front of the branch name. *use alphabetical naming system.

oops! the 1 ethyl 2,3 dimethyl butane is wrong.. it should be 2,3 di methyl hexane..because the longest chain is 6, not 4