This is known as the Hydrogen bomb equation.
To count 1 mole, it will take:
6.03 x 10^23 = 1.0 x 10^22 mins
= 1.67 x 10^20 hours
= 6.97 x 10^18 days
= 2.3 x 10^17 months
= 1.94 x 10^16 years
The mole
1 mole = 602 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 6.02 x 10^23 -> Avogradro's number
2 H2 + O2 -> 2H20
2 H2 molecules + 1 O2 molecule -> 2 molecules of H2O
12.04 x 10^23 + 6.02 x 10^23 -> 12.04 x 10^23
of H2 molecules molecules of O2 molecules of water
How big is Avogadro's Number?
$1 mol
$6.02 x 10^23
6.0 x 10^9 = population of earth
$ 6.0 x 10^23
6.0 x 10^9 ppl
= $1.0 x 10^14 -> $100 000 000 000 000
How gases combine
John Dalton
-look at masses of gases
11.1g of H2 reacts with 22.9g of O2
46.7g of N2 reacts with 53.3g of O2
42.9g of C reacts with 57.1g of O2
= No pattern
Joseph Gay Lussac
-combine gases based on volume
1L of H2 reacts with 1L of Cl2 -> 2L of HCl H2 + Cl -> 2 HCl
1L of N2 reacts with 3L of H2 -> 2L NH3
2L of CO reacts with 1L of O2 -> 2L CO2
= gases combine in simple whole number ratios
Avogadro's Hypothesis
-Equal volumes of any gas at a constant temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules.
same / but different mass
In conclusion, at the end of class, we did another really cool experiment known as the potato gun! It needs oxygen to react with chemicals.
I saw this same video on Youtube when I was researching how dangerous this experiment is. Its actually not particularly safe, especially the way this guy is doing it. Ideally, you should be at least a meter away and using proper ear protection. Especially with the size of balloons he explodes. The ones we exploded were quite a big smaller (notice that his has enough hydrogen to float on its own, ours didn't).